"Be Prepared", for members of the
Verde Valley Emergency Communications Association  


Amateur Radio County Coordinator

The County Coordinator is expected to:

Your Amateur Radio County Coordinator for Yavapai County is Al Barber (AA7OV) .

Where to go for gear, equipment, supplies, and information.
The appearance of any link on this page does not suggest any endorsement. 
This is merely a reference page.

Emergency Preparedness

The Preparedness Shop
in Cottonwood, Arizona

Bulk long-term storable foods, grains, seeds, kitchen equipment, and more

Amateur Radio

Baofeng UV-5R

Programming Software and
User Manuals

Radio Repeater
Free online
search tool for
Amateur Radio

Online Amateur Radio Courses

Preparedness Advisors - coaching, mentoring, and advice on preparing oneself, one's family, one's radio equipment, and one's home for an extended "grid down" scenario.

Get advice on the best sources for deals on the equipment and supplies needed not just to survive, but to thrive.

Your Preparedness Advisors are Jack F (KE7FDZ) and Michelle F (KG7AGL) . This is a husband-wife team with years of Preparedness experience.

Contact them with all of your questions about "getting ready".